Incentives Mechanics

Single Mode Incentives Cap

There is a Daily Stamina Cap and Daily Token Cap in Single Mode. These obligations restrict the Stamina quantity and tokens that users can keep on a daily basis.

Daily Stamina Cap

Stamina begins with 2/2 and reaches the max at 20/20. gaining more Sneakers or higher quality ones will raise Max Stamina Cap (Head to Stamina System for more details).

Daily Token Cap

Daily FIT Cap begins at 5/5 and reaches the max at 300 FIT and 15 CALO. Leveling up Sneakers will boost Daily Token Cap.

Single Mode Incentive Mechanics


  1. K: Player's Average Speed

  2. PSP: Player's Sneaker Performance

  3. PSPC: Player's Sneaker Performance's Coefficient (Stone/Space, NFT Medals)

  4. System value: Value set by the game developer, subject to change.

  5. Parameter: A range of system values

Generally, FIT Earnings are determined by:

  1. Total Stamina

  2. Movement Speed

  3. Sneaker (Type, Attributes, Quality & Level)

  4. Stone (Type, Level & inserted Space Quality) NFT Medals

Gacha Box

Gacha Box value affects the rate of dropping a Gacha Box:

  1. PSL: Player Sneaker Luck

  2. PSLC: Player Sneaker Luck Coefficient (Stone/Place, NFT Medals)

Generally, Gacha Box Quality is defined by:

  1. Stamina used in one single session

  2. Sneakers’ Luck attributes

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